2021 Honor Cards
2021 Honor Card - ”A New Way”
Once again this holiday season, New Garden Gazebo is a retail location for purchasing holiday Honor Cards. Honor Cards, with artwork by William Mangum titled “A New Way”, are available now for a $5 minimum donation. After purchasing the cards, send them to friends and family indicating that you have made a donation in their honor.
100% of all Honor Card proceeds go towards helping needy people in our community. In Greensboro, your donation benefits Greensboro Urban Ministry.
Honor Cards are a great way to support individuals and families in need this holiday season. Stop in at New Garden Gazebo today and support your neighbors with opportunities for emergency care, affordable housing, health care, education, and spiritual encouragement.
Cards can be purchased (cash or check only) at New Garden Gazebo, 3811 Lawndale Dr., Greensboro.