New Garden Landscaping & Nursery | Landscape, Design & Garden Centers

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Jessica Story

Marketing Manager

Despite growing up in a family involved with horticulture for several generations, I studied art, then spent fifteen years growing greenhouse plants because it turns out almost everything they say about art school is true.

I came to New Garden in June of 2011. My sisters Katie Cardille and Merideth Story already worked for New Garden and said it was a great company (they were right). I started as retail manager at the Village location.

Since late 2012 I've been the marketing manager for New Garden. The position allows me to combine my horticultural knowledge with my creative side to create our marketing materials, website, social media and other ways to interact with our customers.

Whenever I create an ad, or write an article for our newsletter, I ask myself “will this help our customer be more successful?” I enjoy figuring out ways to strengthen our relationships with our customers by providing information that they can use to have a beautiful home and garden, and find better ways for them to communicate with us (and us with them).

Outside of work I like to read and surf the web too much. I’m pretty addicted to Pinterest! I had no idea you could cook cauliflower so many ways...

Jessica Story