New Garden Landscaping & Nursery | Landscape, Design & Garden Centers

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January 2019-Mitch Atkinson

We met Mitch Atkinson while working alongside him at the Center City and LeBauer Parks in Greensboro. He was managing the overall facility /water features etc. for the City. We had admired his professionalism and work ethic and when he expressed interest in joining the New Garden team, we were excited to bring him on board.

He  started working for us at the beginning of 2018 as a crew member in our maintenance department. Since then he has become one of our top Foreman. He has earned his title through his outstanding work ethic, perfect daily attendance/excellent timeliness, and his thorough eye for detail. His truck, paperwork etc. is neat and well organized and he takes pride in everything he does. Being responsive to training has allowed his skills and knowledge to continue to grow.

Mitch fully embodies the New Garden way and we are truly proud to have him as a part of our team.